Saturday, July 28, 2007

Leon Thomas with the Gary Bartz Quintet - Precious Energy


Leon Thomas with the Gary Bartz Quintet - Precious Energy - Precious Energy - 1987


  1. I really want to love leon Thomas & I do until he starts yodeling, I will never forgive him for ruining Hum Allah & The Creator Has A Master Plan for me, I would much rather have had Andy Bey singing on those songs. Although, I do really love his 'Blues & The Soulful Truth' especially 'Shape Your Mind To Die'. That's him at his best.

  2. I know what you mean Crybo and I've thought the same. But slowly it's grown on me and the rough can make the smooth smoother. Just like you appreciate the sun more when it's been raining, or being healthy more when you've been sick, I enjoy master plan more with the yodelling!
