Saturday, June 2, 2007

Mr Fingers - Introduction

I first stumbled across this album at my then girlfriend's sister's house in Stockholm. I was looking for something to listen to while they caught up and was very surprised to see Mr Fingers in among the Groove Armada and Air. The words Larry Heard didn't mean anything to her and apparently it belonged to an old boyfriend. She didn't understand my excitement. Larry's crystal keys and Robert Owens soothing soul now just sound like Sweden to me - clean design, clean living, smooth and untroubled.

Mr Fingers - Alright - Introduction - 1992
Mr Fingers - We Can Work It Out - Introduction - 1992
Mr Fingers - On A Corner Called Jazz - Introduction - 1992

1 comment:

  1. nice post, I was going to post Closer on Thursday but I decided to go with Open Sky Unit & The Sons & Daughters Of Lite instead. Loved the Fingers album when it first came out, can't believe it was 15 years ago - still sounds great though.
